Railex System 600 Garment on Hanger Transport Conveyors
A complete range of flexible options to transport garments through any facility in any configuration.
Three Models to Accommodate with Specific Benefits to Accommodate the Needs of Every Facility
The Railex System 630, 635, and 640 conveyors are smooth, quiet, and clean. They can run anywhere you need to bring individual GOH (Garments On Hangers) in your operation. In a uniform laundry plant these conveyors are perfect for transporting garments in and around the steam tunnel and the sorting operation. They can also be used in uniform plants to stage garments for shipping.
- They are made with pride by Railex in the USA
- The can travel distances of 100’s of feet through your operation
- They can turn horizontally left or right multiple times
- They can change elevation up or down multiple times
- They can run at almost any speed between 15 and 100 feet per minute
- They are smooth, quite, and clean
- They can be ceiling supported or floor supported.

System 630 Clip Conveyor

System 635 Pin Down Conveyor

System 640 Pin Up Conveyor
Made With Pride in the USA

Copiague, NY
15 Ralph Ave
Copiague, NY 11726
(718) 845-5454
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